Children’s experiences of participating in research: Emotional moments together?
Hadfield-Hill, S., & Horton, J. (2014). Children’s experiences of participating in research: Emotional moments together? Children’s Geographies, 12(2), pp. 135-153.
The experiences of children enrolled in pediatric oncology research: Implications for assent.
Unguru, Y., Sill, A. M., & Kamani, N. (2010). The experiences of children enrolled in pediatric oncology research: Implications for assent. Pediatrics, 125(4), e876.
The child as co-researcher: Moral and epistemological issues in childhood research.
Willumsen, E., Hugaas, J. V., & Studsrød, I. (2014). The child as co-researcher: Moral and epistemological issues in childhood research. Ethics and Social Welfare, 8(4), pp. 332-349.
Ethical guardrails when children participate in research: Risk and practice in Sweden and Australia.
Harcourt, D., & Quennerstedt, A. (2014). Ethical guardrails when children participate in research: Risk and practice in Sweden and Australia. Sage Open, 4(3), pp. 1-8.
The right to be seen, the right to be shown: Ethical issues regarding the geographies of hanging out.
Tani, S. (2014). The right to be seen, the right to be shown: Ethical issues regarding the geographies of hanging out. Young, 22(4), pp. 361-379. The full text of this article is freely available via the Publisher’s Link below. [button color=”primary” link= target=”_blank”]Publisher’s Link[/button]
Voice and the ethics of children’s agency in educational research.
O’Neill, J. (2014). Voice and the ethics of children’s agency in educational research. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 49(2), pp. 219-232.
Informed consent in school-based ethnography: Using visual magnets to explore participation, power and research relationships.
Kustatscher, M. (2014). Informed consent in school-based ethnography: Using visual magnets to explore participation, power and research relationships. International Journal of Child, Youth & Family Studies, 5(4.1), pp. 686-701.
Pediatric research ethics: Islamic perspectives.
Alahmad, G., & Dierickx, K. (2015). Pediatric research ethics: Islamic perspectives. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research, 5(9), pp. 1158-1168.
Working With young children as co-researchers: An approach informed by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Lundy, L., McEvoy, L., & Byrne, B. (2011). Working With young children as co-researchers: An approach informed by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Early Education and Development, 22(5), pp. 714-736.
Seeking children’s perspectives: A respectful layered research approach.
Merewether, J., & Fleet, A. (2014). Seeking children’s perspectives: A respectful layered research approach. Early Child Development and Care, 184(6), pp. 897-914